If you get to Madrid

It seems like this year has flown by without a blog posting.  Sometimes you just need the change of pace.  So now the fall weather has set in with rain, rain, and the promise of snow and more rain, I can get back to weaving and my website.

Early this fall I spent time in Scotland and Spain.  Both countries inspired me with a color pallet unique to the country and the light, sometimes filtered and sometimes bright.  In Scotland the sky was mostly broken clouds so the color contrasts were greater.  In Spain the sky was clear and light blue giving the subtle hues of the stone a gentle washed tone with occasional vivid bougainvillea on the walls.  Both countries were very different and both beautiful.  But what inspired me most was a visit to the Royal Tapestry Factory in Madrid.   http://realfabricadetapices.com

The Royal Tapestry Factory is an institution founded in 1720, and devoted to the handmade production of tapestries, rugs, and wall rugs. Tapestries and rugs from the Royal Factory can be seen in every palace of the Spanish Crown: Royal Palace, Palace of El Pardo, Palace of la Granja de San Ildefonso, Aranjuez Palace, Riofrío Palace, Reales Alcázares, Pedralbes Palace, and many other national and international institutions which have opted to decorate with tapestries or rugs made at the Royal Tapestry Factory.

 King Felipe V decided to found this tapestry and rug factory in order to make the Spanish palaces more comfortable, which until that time had been austere. Because of the factory, many artists started to paint cardboard and drafts for their tapestries. Tapestries made by Goya, for example, can be admired in several museums. Today, the factory continues on with the handmade production of tapestries, rugs, and wall rugs, as well as training new craftsmen. It also functions as a foundation that preserves the documentation and disclosure of the historical legacy, looks after Spanish historical heritage, and restores rugs and tapestry.

Even if you aren’t a weaver this factory should be on your ‘must see in Madrid’ list.  My daughter requested a tour in English that was fantastic.   I had to beg to get a picture but check out their site for more information and pictures.  Very impressive! 

Posted on November 4, 2017 and filed under Tapestry.